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269.52 USD | -0.54% | +5.20% | +6.47% |
22.01. | JONES LANG LASALLE INCORPORATED : UBS gibt eine Kauf-Bewertung ab | ZM |
21.01. | Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated ernennt Godfrey Anderson zum Direktor | CI |
Jones Lang LaSalle Incorporated Gruppe: Beziehungs-Chart
Private Unternehmen, die zur gleichen Gruppe wie JONES LANG LASALLE INCORPORATED gehören
Unternehmen | Geschäftsführender Direktor |
LaSalle Investment Management (United Kingdom)
LaSalle Investment Management (United Kingdom) Investment ManagersFinance Part of Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc., LaSalle Investment Management (United Kingdom) is a British company that provides real estate investment and management services. The company is based in London, UK. The company was founded in 1991. The CEO is Jeff A. Jacobson. | Simon Wilson Marrison |
SWJ CN Logiport Pte Ltd. | - |
Tetris Poland Sp zoo | - |
Jones Lang LaSalle Property Consultants (India) Pvt Ltd. | - |
Jones Lang LaSalle Building Operations Pvt Ltd. | - |
Jones Lang LaSalle SRL /BE/
Jones Lang LaSalle SRL /BE/ Real Estate DevelopmentFinance Part of Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc., Jones Lang LaSalle SPRL is a Belgian company that provides commercial real estate and investment management services to companies and investors worldwide. The company is based in Brussels, Belgium. The company offers a commuter tool that calculates the impact of a move on the travel time of employees and carbon footprint. | - |
LaSalle Investment Management, Inc.
LaSalle Investment Management, Inc. Investment ManagersFinance LaSalle Investment Management, Inc. (LaSalle) is a private equity subsidiary of Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc. founded in 1980. The firm is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. | Lynn Thurber |
LaSalle Investment Management Securities LLC
LaSalle Investment Management Securities LLC Investment ManagersFinance LaSalle Investment Management Securities LLC (LaSalle Securities) is a SEC-registered investment advisor headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland. The firm is a subsidiary of LaSalle Investment Management, Inc. and their ultimate parent is Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. (JLL) (NYSE: JLL). LaSalle Securities was founded in 1985 as Alex. Brown Realty Advisors, a subsidiary of the investment bank of Alex. Brown & Sons in Baltimore. LaSalle Partners acquired Alex. Brown Realty Advisors in 1994. In 1999, LaSalle Partners completed a merger with Jones Lang Wootton to form JLL. LaSalle Securities provides portfolio management services with respect to real estate securities to high-net worth and institutional clients. | - |
Jll Transaction Services AB
Jll Transaction Services AB Miscellaneous Commercial ServicesCommercial Services Part of Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc., JLL Transaction Services AB is a Swedish company that provides corporate consulting services. The company is based in Stockholm, Sweden. | - |
LaSalle Investment Management Asia Pte Ltd.
LaSalle Investment Management Asia Pte Ltd. Investment ManagersFinance LaSalle Investment Management Asia Pte Ltd. (LaSalle Asia) is a global real estate investment manager headquartered in Singapore. The firm is a subsidiary of Jones Lang Lasalle Property Consultants Pte Ltd., which is ultimately owned by Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc. (NYSE: JLL) in the US. LaSalle Asia offers a wide range of real estate investment solutions designed to meet investor needs. Their diverse client base consists of various institutional investors across the globe, such as pension funds, insurance companies, sovereign wealth funds and endowments. | Angelia Lim |
Jones Lang LaSalle Finance BV | - |
Jones Lang LaSalle Corporate Finance Ltd.
Jones Lang LaSalle Corporate Finance Ltd. Financial ConglomeratesFinance Part of Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc., Jones Lang LaSalle Corporate Finance Ltd. was founded in 1973 and is a commercial real estate investment management company based in London, UK. The British company offers a range of services including buying, selling, building consultancy, and general investment management to investors worldwide. The JLL collection provides professional advice and support across all core industry sectors to improve the value and performance of corporate properties. | - |
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