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Permian Basin Royalty Trust ist ein Express-Trust. Seine Waddell Ranch Properties haben mineralische Beteiligungen an der Waddell Ranch. Die Waddell Ranch Properties verfügen über nachgewiesene Reserven in sechs Feldern: Dune, Sand Hills (Judkins), Sand H ...
Yantai North Andre Juice Co Ltd ist ein in China ansässiges Unternehmen, das sich hauptsächlich mit der Verarbeitung, Herstellung und dem Verkauf von konzentrierten Säften befasst. Zu den Hauptprodukten des Unternehmens gehören konzentrierter Apfelsaft, k ...
Aura Minerals Inc. ist ein mittelgroßes Gold- und Kupferproduktionsunternehmen. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf den Betrieb und die Erschließung von Gold- und Basismetallprojekten auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent. Das Unternehmen betreibt vier Minen ...
Van de Velde NV ist der belgische Marktführer im Bereich Design, Herstellung und Vertrieb von Luxus-Damenunterwäsche (Marken Marie Jo, PrimaDonna und Andres Sarda). Der Nettoumsatz schlüsselt sich nach Art der Geschäfte wie folgt auf: - Fachgeschäfte (77 ...
CR2 Empreendimentos Imobiliarios SA ist ein brasilianisches Unternehmen, das hauptsächlich im Immobiliensektor tätig ist. Das Unternehmen ist zusammen mit seinen Tochtergesellschaften in der Entwicklung von Wohnimmobilien tätig und geht für jedes seiner P ...
Riley Exploration Permian, Inc. ist zusammen mit seinen Tochtergesellschaften ein unabhängiges Öl- und Erdgasunternehmen. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf den Erwerb, die Exploration, die Erschließung und die Förderung von Erdöl, Erdgas und Erdgasflü ...
Marijuana, Inc., das unter dem Namen Exousia Pro, Inc. (Exousia Pro) firmiert, ist ein Biotechnologieunternehmen im Bereich Exosomen, das sich in der klinischen Phase befindet. Das patentierte Herstellungsverfahren des Unternehmens nutzt pflanzliche Mater ...
ISC Business Technology AG ist eine in der Schweiz ansässige Holdinggesellschaft, die im Bereich der Informationstechnologie (IT) tätig ist. Sie bietet Beratungsdienstleistungen im Hard- und Softwarebereich sowie IT-Plattformen, Internetsysteme und die En ...
Die Petrolia Energy Corporation ist in der Öl- und Gasexploration, -erschließung und -produktion tätig. Das Feld Slick Unit Dutcher Sand (SUDS) des Unternehmens befindet sich in Creek County, Oklahoma. Es ist etwa 1.670 Acres groß und die Einheit SUDS Eas ...
PEDEVCO Corp. ist ein Öl- und Gasunternehmen, das sich auf den Erwerb und die Erschließung von Öl- und Erdgasvorkommen konzentriert. Die Liegenschaften des Unternehmens befinden sich in der San Andres-Formation des Permian-Beckens in West-Texas und im öst ...
Andrs Kohn ist General Manager-Proofpoint Essentials bei Proofpoint, Inc. In seiner bisherigen Laufbahn war er als Principal bei Procter & Gamble Co., Principal bei International Paper Co., Head-Product Marketing bei PeopleSoft, Inc. und Director-Product Management bei Critical Path, Inc. tätig. Er erhielt einen Undergraduate-Abschluss und einen Graduate-Abschluss von der Cornell University und einen MBA von der Stanford University.
Andres Soriano ist ein amerikanischer Geschäftsmann, der bereits an der Spitze von 12 verschiedenen Unternehmen stand. Derzeit bekleidet er die Position des Vorsitzenden, Präsidenten, CEO & COO bei der A. Soriano Corp. und des Vorsitzenden & Präsidenten bei der Anscor Consolidated Corp., des Vorsitzenden bei Phelps Dodge International Philippines, Inc. des Vorsitzenden bei Phelps Dodge Philippines Energy Products Corp. des Vorsitzenden bei Seven Seas Resorts & Leisure, Inc. und des Vorsitzenden bei Pamalican Resort, Inc. (die alle Tochtergesellschaften der A. Soriano Corp. sind). Andres Soriano ist außerdem Vorsitzender der Andres Soriano Foundation, Inc. und Mitglied der Philippine Business For Social Progress, Mitglied der American Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc. sowie Mitglied der European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines und Mitglied der Spanish Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines und im Vorstand von 8 weiteren Unternehmen. In seiner früheren Laufbahn hatte Herr Soriano die Position des Vorsitzenden bei Coca-Cola Amatil Ltd. inne, war Präsident und Chief Operating Officer bei San Miguel Corp. sowie Vorsitzender von Nestl Philippines, Inc. und Vorsitzender von Coca-Cola Beverages Philippines, Inc. Er erwarb einen Bachelor-Abschluss an der Wharton School der University of Pennsylvania.
Herr Juan Andres ist ein unabhängiger Direktor bei Evelo Biosciences, Inc. und ein unabhängiger Direktor bei Avantor, Inc. sowie Chief Technical Operations & Quality Officer bei Moderna, Inc. Er ist Mitglied des Board of Directors bei Evelo Biosciences, Inc. und Avantor, Inc. sowie bei Ring Therapeutics, Inc. Herr Andres war zuvor als Global Head-Technical Operations bei der Novartis AG und als VP-Pharmaceutical Manufacturing & Devices bei Eli Lilly & Co. tätig. Er erhielt seinen Hochschulabschluss an der Universida de Alcal de Henares.
Herr Andrs F. Irlando ist Präsident bei Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. und Co-Geschäftsführer bei Verizon Connect Germany GmbH. Herr Irlando war zuvor als President-Southwest Region bei Verizon Wireless Capital LLC, als Senior Vice President-Customer Service Operations bei Verizon Communications, Inc., als Rechtsanwalt bei O'Melveny & Myers LLP, als President bei The Cesar Chavez Foundation, als President bei Verizon Connect UK Ltd. und als President bei Verizon Telematics, Inc. tätig. Er erhielt seinen Bachelor-Abschluss von der Harvard University und einen Graduierten-Abschluss von der Stanford University.
Bzurovski Bay Andres ist im Vorstand von dLocal Ltd. (Uruguay).
Andres A.
Gutiérrez is currently the Chief Medical Officer at Old Ayala, Inc. since 2023 and at Biosight Therapeutics, Inc. since 2018.
Previously, he worked as the Medical Director at Bristol Myers Squibb Co. from 2012 to 2015, and as a Medical Director at BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc., Sonoma Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Sunesis Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Proteolix, Inc. He also served as the Director of the Gene & Cell Therapy Unit at the Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública de México and the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion.
From 2016 to 2018, he was the Chief Medical Officer at Oncolytics Biotech, Inc. and later at Advaxis, Inc. He was also the Chief Medical Officer at Sellas Life Sciences Group Ltd.
from 2015 to 2016.
Additionally, he is currently pursuing a doctorate degree from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Herr Guibert Andrs Englebienne ist Vorsitzender bei Fundacion Endeavor Argentina, Chief Technology Officer bei Globant LLC, Chief Technology Officer bei Sistemas Globales SA, Director & President-Globant X bei Globant SA, Partner bei Digital House SA und Principal bei Globant Ventures SaS. Er ist Mitglied des Board of Directors bei Globant SA. Herr Englebienne war zuvor als Principal bei, Inc. und als wissenschaftlicher Forscher bei International Business Machines Corp. beschäftigt. Seinen Bachelor-Abschluss machte er an der Universität UNICEN.
Andrés Seco García is currently a Director at Biotechnology Assets SA, Chief Technical Officer at WElink Energy Ireland Ltd., and a Partner at Ingenieria Pontificia S L and Fundación Renovables.
Previously, he worked as Director General-Operations at Redeia Corporacion SA, Regional Director at DNV GL Netherlands BV, Director at Fabrica Nacional de Moneda y.
Timbre-Real Casa de la Moneda, and Director at European Network of Transmission System Operators for Elec.
He holds a graduate degree from University Carlos III of Madrid and an undergraduate degree from Instituto Católico De Artes E Industrias.
Andrés Bernal Correa is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Grupo Orbis SA. He also holds director positions at Inversura SA, Confecciones Colombia SA, Asociación Nacional De Industriales, Wealth Management Sura SA, and is a member of Endeavor Colombia.
Additionally, he is the Group President at Grupo IMSA SA. In the past, he held director positions at Enka de Colombia SA, Seguros Sura SA, Grupo Nutresa SA, AFP Integra SA, Empresas Públicas de Medellín ESP, Dexco Colombia SA, Cementos Argos SA, EDATEL SA ESP, Holding Concorde SA, and Empresa De Vivienda De Antioquia.
He was also the Manager-Corporate Investments at Bancolombia SA and the CFO & Vice President-Investment & Finance at Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana SA. He has a degree in undergraduate studies from Universidad EAFIT and an MBA from F.W.
Olin Graduate School of Business.
Martín Andrés Jaco is currently a Director at BRPR 56 Securitizadora de Créditos Imobiliários SA, WTorre TC Securitizadora de Creditos Imobiliarios SA, BRPR 55 Securitizadora de Créditos Imobiliários SA, and BRPR 45 Securitizadora de Créditos Imobiliários SA. He previously worked as a Director at REC 844 Securitizadora de Créditos Imobiliários SA. He also held positions as Head-Investments, Development & Asset Management at CBRE Group, Inc., Principal at Método Engenharia Ltda., Chief Investment Officer at BR Properties SA from 2007 to 2014, and Principal at Andrade Gutierrez Engenharia SA. In 2017, he briefly served as the Chief Executive & Investor Relations Officer at BR Properties SA. Mr. Andrés Jaco obtained an undergraduate degree from Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo and an MBA from The College of Estate Management.
Gegenwärtig ist Andrs Escobar Arango unabhängiger Direktor und Co-Präsident bei Grupo Energia Bogot SA ESP.
Juan Andrs Camus Camus, Gründer von Celfin Capital SA, ist ein Geschäftsmann, der 6 verschiedene Unternehmen geleitet hat und Vorsitzender der Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago Bolsa de Valores und Vorsitzender der CCLV, Contraparte Central SA (eine Tochtergesellschaft der Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago Bolsa de Valores) ist. Er ist auch im Vorstand von Contenedores Redes y Envases SA und Mitglied des Exekutivrats von Centro de Estudios Pblicos. In seiner früheren Karriere war er Vorsitzender von BTG Pactual Chile SA, Gründungspartner von Celfin Capital SA, Direktor bei Celfin Capital SA Administradora General de Fondos und Präsident bei Empresas Copec SA. Juan Andrs Camus Camus erwarb einen Bachelor-Abschluss an der Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile.
Andrs Lehued Bromley ist ein Geschäftsmann, der an der Spitze von 7 verschiedenen Unternehmen gestanden hat und derzeit die Position des Chief Executive Officer, CFO & CAO bei AntarChile SA, Chief Executive Officer für Inversiones Siemel SA, Chairman bei Sigma SA, Chairman für Valle Grande SA und Chairman für Red To Green SA (die alle Tochtergesellschaften von Inversiones Siemel SA sind) und Chairman bei Comercializadora Novaverde SA innehat. Er ist außerdem im Vorstand von 7 weiteren Unternehmen. In der Vergangenheit war Herr Lehued Bromley Vorsitzender von Cruz del Sur Administradora General de Fondos SA. Er erhielt einen Bachelor-Abschluss von der Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile und einen MBA von der University of California.
Dr. Andrs Mantilla Zrate ist Vice President-Innovation & Technology bei Ecopetrol SA. Er ist Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats des Instituto Colombiano Del Petrleo. Er erhielt seinen Bachelor-Abschluss von der Universidad Industrial de Santander, einen Master-Abschluss von der Stanford University und einen Doktortitel von der Stanford University.
Andrés Conesa Labastida is currently the Chief Executive Officer & Director at Aerovías de México SA de CV since 2013.
He is also the Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director at Grupo Aeroméxico SAB de CV since 2005.
Additionally, he serves as the Chairman of SkyTeam Airline Alliance Management.
He is an Independent Director at Sempra since 2017.
He is a Director at Aceites Superfinos SA de CV.
He is also a Director at Latin American & Caribbean Air Transport Association since 2012 and a Member-Governors Board at Airline Passenger Experience Association, Inc.Dr. Conesa Labastida's former positions include being the Chairman of Cintra Concesiones de lnfraestructuras de Transportes SA from 2003 to 2005.
He was also the Chairman of Consorcio Aeroméxico SAB de CV and International Consolidated Airlines Group SA. He served as a Director-Governors Board at International Air Transport Association from 2008 to 2018.
He was a Proprietary Director at Genomma Lab Internacional SAB de CV in 2012.
He was an Independent Director at Infraestructura Energetica Nova SAB de CV from 2013 to 2017.
He was the General Director-Economic Policy at The Mexican Secretariat of Finance & Public Credit from 1998 to 2003.
He was a Director at Aeromexpress SA de CV.
He also served as a Director at the Mexican Stock Exchange from 2006 to 2007.
Dr. Conesa Labastida holds a doctorate degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an undergraduate degree from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México.
Cristin Andrs Ureta Larrain ist Mitglied des Vorstands der National Railway of Chile. Zuvor war er General Manager-Cargo Operations bei LATAM Airlines Group SA Vice President-Development bei LAN Cargo SA und Chief Executive Officer-Cargo bei LAN Airlines SA (beides Tochtergesellschaften der LATAM Airlines Group SA), Service Manager bei Fast Air Carrier SA und General Director & Commercial Director bei Aerotransportes Ms de Carga SA de CV. Cristin Andrs Ureta Larrain erhielt einen Bachelor-Abschluss von der Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile und einen MBA von der Harvard Business School.
Gegenwärtig ist Sergio Andres Rincn Chairman & Chief Executive Officer für Union de Cervecerias Peruanas Backus y Johnston SAA. Zuvor war er Präsident von Cerveceria Nacional und Vice President-Sales bei Grupo Modelo SAB de CV. Er erhielt einen Bachelor-Abschluss von der Päpstlichen Bolivarischen Universität.
Andrs Ricardo Gluski Weilert ist ein Geschäftsmann, der an der Spitze von 7 verschiedenen Unternehmen stand und derzeit die Position des Präsidenten, Chief Executive Officer & Director bei The AES Corp. innehat. Er ist außerdem Vorsitzender bei Council of the Americas, Inc. und Vorsitzender von The Americas Society sowie Mitglied von The Business Roundtable und im Vorstand von 6 weiteren Unternehmen. Zuvor war er Vorsitzender bei AES Tiete Energia SA, Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President bei CA Nacional Telfonos de Venezuela, Chief Financial Officer & Executive Vice President bei Corporacion EDC CA, Executive Vice President-Corporate Banking bei Banco de Venezuela SACA, Principal beim International Monetary Fund, Vorsitzender von AES Brasil Ltda, Chief Executive Officer & Director bei AES Gener SA, Chief Executive Officer & General Manager von C.A. La Electricidad de Caracas, Vice President für Santander Asset Management SA AGF und Generaldirektor im Finanzministerium von Venezuela. Er erhielt einen Bachelor-Abschluss von der Wake Forest University und einen Master-Abschluss sowie einen Doktortitel von der University of Virginia.
Jorge Andrs Tabares ngel hat die Position des Vice President-Finance der Grupo Energia Bogot SA ESP und Executive Vice President-Finance & Investments bei Empresas Pblicas de Medelln ESP inne. Er ist außerdem im Vorstand der Compaa Transmisora la Cebada SA.
Jorge Andres Fernández García is currently the Co-Chief Executive Officer & Director at Fiordo Blanco SA. He is also the Chairman at Compania Pesquera Camanchaca SA, Camanchaca Cultivos Sur SA, Salmones Camanchaca SA, and Fiordo Azul SA. Additionally, he serves as a Director at Camanchaca, Inc., Camanchaca Pesca Sur SA, Surproceso SA, and Kabushiki Kaisha Camanchaca.
Mr. Fernández García completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Chile in 1988.
Gerardo Andrs Illanes Gonzlez ist Chief Financial Officer bei Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA. Er ist außerdem im Vorstand von 8 weiteren Unternehmen. Er erhielt einen MBA von der Goizueta Business School-Emory und einen Bachelor-Abschluss von der Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile.
Derzeit ist Juan Andrs Dez de Ulzurrun Moreno stellvertretender Geschäftsführer für Enags SA und Vorsitzender für Baha de Bizkaia Gas SL (eine Tochtergesellschaft von Enags SA).
Andrés Verdugo joined Aur Resources, Inc. in May 2003 as Vice President of Corporate Affairs-South America.
He was Chief Legal Counsel at the Foreign Investment Committee from 1990 to 1993, Director of Legal Affairs-Andes for Cambior, Inc. from 1994 to 1997 and General Counsel of ENAMI from 1998 to May 2003.
Mr. Verdugo is a graduate of the Law School of the Universidad de Chile and Loyola College.
Geoffry Philip Andres is currently the Chief Executive Officer at Aquis Casino Acquisitions Pty Ltd.
and the President-Property at Melco Resorts & Entertainment (Philippines) Corp.
He previously worked as the Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director at Aquis Entertainment Ltd., President at Wheeling Island Gaming, Inc., Chief Operating Officer & President-Property at Melco Resorts & Entertainment (Philippines) Corp., Vice President-Slots at Sands China Ltd., Senior Vice President & General Manager at Sands Macao, and Vice President & General Manager at Harrah's Ak-Chin Casino Resort.
He also served as the Head-Property President at Studio City Finance Ltd.
and President-Property at Studio City International Holdings Ltd.
Andres holds an undergraduate degree and an MBA from the University of Nevada.
Mr. Andres A.
Dasso is Senior Vice President-Mining Operations at Pan American Silver Corp.
He is on the Board of Directors at Peruvian Mining & Petroleum Society and SIMSA, Inc.
He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Missouri.
Isabelle Andres is currently the Chairman at Territorial, the Chief Technology & Operations Officer at Believe SA, and the Chief Executive Officer at Karina Square SAS.
Previously, she held positions such as Chief Executive Officer at Alchimie SAS, Independent Director at Atari SA, Chief Financial Officer at Télé Images International, and Member of the Supervisory Board at AG.
From 2009 to 2017, she served as the Group General Manager at BetClic Everest Group SAS.
Ms. Andres completed her undergraduate studies at École des Hautes Études Commerciales de Paris and Université Paris Nanterre.
Andres F.
Fernandez worked at American Ammunition, Inc. from 2001 to 2014.
He held the position of President, Chief Executive & Financial Officer from 2010 to 2014.
Andres Negro-Vilar is Chief Scientific Officer for Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Inc. He joined Ligand in September 1996 as Senior Vice President of Research and Chief Scientific Officer.
He was Vice President of Research and Head of the Women's Health Research Institute for Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories from 1993 to 1996.
From 1983 to 1993, he was the Director of Clinical Programs and Chief of the Laboratory of Molecular and Integrative Neurosciences for the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health.
He received his MD from University of Buenos Aires, his PhD from University of Sao Paulo and a BS from Belgrano College.
Andres R.
Ramirez served as a Director at STP Nuclear Operating Co. and as Vice President-Power Generation at El Paso Electric Co. He also held the position of Senior Vice President-Power Production at Austin Energy.
Ramirez's former jobs include Executive Director-Operations at Sempra.
Ramirez earned an undergraduate degree from Texas A&M University and an MBA from Texas State University.
Jerol Eugene Andres is the founder of Trendwest Resorts, Inc. He is currently the President & Chief Executive Officer of Eagle Crest Partners Ltd.
and a Director at Chileno Bay Development LLC, Greater Redmond Chamber of Commerce, Redmond Chamber of Commerce, Partners In Care, Redmond Proficiency Academy, and a Partner at Workhorse Solutions LLC.
He previously served as the President & Chief Executive Officer of JELD-WEN Development, Inc. from 1988 to 2010.
He was also a Vice Chairman at Bank of the Cascades, Chairman at Pacificsource Community Health Plans, Director at Cascade Bancorp (Oregon) from 1993 to 2010, and a Director at The High Desert Museum.
Andres Calderon is currently a Portfolio Manager at RVX Asset Management LLC since 2021.
Prior to this, he worked as a Director at Globalvest Management Co. LP, a Portfolio Manager at Mackenzie Financial Corp., and a Vice President of Research at PREMIS Capital Partners, Inc. He also worked as a Portfolio Manager at Green Cay Asset Management Ltd.
(Bahamas) from 2002 to 2007 and as a Principal at INCA Investments LLC in 2012.
From 2013 to 2020, he worked as a Senior Analyst at Consilium Investment Management LLC.
Mr. Calderon completed his undergraduate degree at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Andrès Lagos worked as a Director of Operations at European Telecommunication Holding E.T.H.
AG from 1996 to 1999.
He then worked as a Director of Operations at Safran Sensing Technologies Switzerland SA from 2001 to 2009.
Prior to that, he was a Manager of Process Development at Micronas Semiconductor Holding AG from 1994 to 1996.
He also worked as a Chief Operating Officer at CSEM Centre Suisse d'Electronique et Microtechnique SA from 1999 to 2001 and as a Project Manager at the same company from 1992 to 1994.
Additionally, he was a Project Manager and Engineer of Research & Development at Asulab SA from 1984 to 1986 and a Manager of Process Transfer at EM Microelectronic-Marin SA from 1988 to 1992.
Lagos received a graduate degree from Carleton University and an undergraduate degree from Universidad de Santiago de Chile in 1973.
Markus Andres is the founder of Athenix Corp.
which was founded in 2001, where he holds the title of Chief Operating Officer.
Dr. Andres also held former positions as a Principal at Roche Palo Alto LLC and Zurich Financial Services Ltd.
Dr. Andres received a doctorate degree from the University of Minnesota and a graduate degree from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
Austin Andres worked as a Director at INTREorg Systems, Inc. from 2009 to 2009.
Ronald G.
Andres worked as a Vice President & GM-Engineered Compounds at Lyondellbasell Advanced Polymers, Inc.
Andres H.
Gonzalez is the founder of Finesa Real Estate Group, which was founded in 2002.
He held the title of President & Chief Executive Officer.
Currently, he is a Director at Smp Westwinds Reit LLC.
In the past, he worked as a Director at Tandem Investment Advisors, Inc. from 2002 to 2005.
He also worked as a Principal at Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC (Broker), a Trader at Citigroup, Inc., a Foreign Exchange Trader at Corporacion Financiera Nacional y Suramericana SA, and a Principal at Pacífico SA. Mr. Gonzalez earned an MBA degree from the University of Virginia.
Andres Ochoa-Bunsow is currently an Independent Director at Farmacias Benavides SAB de CV, a Director at the United States-Mexico Chamber of Commerce, Christus Muguerza SA de CV, the American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico, Fibra Mty, S.A.P.I.
de CV, Incap Tata Tulum SA de CV, El Paso Industrial Supplies Mexico S.
A De C V, Epis Logistics SA de CV, Grupo De Desarrollos Y Entretenimiento De Hermosillo S A, Promotora Inmobiliaria Villa Xxi S.
A P I De C V, Nao Hotel, Grupo Vivace SA, and Club Hípico Monterrey.
He is also a Partner at Baker & McKenzie LLP (Illinois) since 1986.
In the past, he served as the Managing Director at the International Monetary Fund, an Independent Director at Grupo Famsa SAB de CV, and a Director at Güntner de México SA de CV.
He holds a graduate degree from The Trustees of Columbia University in The City of New York and Escuela Libre De Derecho.
Andrés Tinajero is currently a Director at JHI Energy, Inc. and BrandPilot AI, Inc. He is also a Director at New Carolin Gold Corp.
since 2021.
Previously, he served as the Chief Financial Officer at Talisker Resources Ltd.
from 2012.
He has also held positions as a Member at the Institute of Corporate Directors, CPA Australia Ltd., The Society of Management Accountants of Canada, and Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada.
In his former roles, he was an Independent Director at Vertical Peak Holdings, Inc., Nord Precious Metals Mining, Inc., Lineage Grow Co. Ltd., Caprock Mining Corp., Sable Resources Ltd., and Sabre Gold Mines Corp.
He was also the Chief Financial Officer at Open Source Health, Inc., Sierra Minerals, Inc., Canada Lithium Corp., Tri-Star Antimony Canada, Inc., Azabache Energy, Inc., Trelawney Augen Acquisition Corp., Southstone Minerals Ltd., Forrester Metals, Inc., Trelawney Mining & Exploration, Inc., West Red Lake Gold Mines, Inc., Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd., Quia Resources, Inc., Goldgroup Mining, Inc., Pima Zinc Corp., The Tinley Beverage Co., Inc., and Millennial Precious Metals Corp.
He holds an undergraduate degree from the University of San Francisco and an MBA from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.
Andres Liinat is currently a Member-Supervisory Board at Eesti Energia AS since 2017.
He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from Tallinn University of Technology.
Mr. Piedrahita founded Littlestone Associates in 1991, which merged with the Fairfield Greenwich Group in 1997.
Prior to the merger, Mr. Piedrahita was the Director and President of Littlestone Associates, Inc. from 1991 to 1997.
Mr. Piedrahita was previously a Vice President at Shearson Lehman Hutton, specializing in money management consulting for non-U.S.
institutions and individuals from 1987 to 1990.
Before joining Shearson Lehman Hutton, Mr. Piedrahita was a financial consultant with Prudential Bache Securities Inc. in New York from 1981 to 1987.
Mr. Piedrahita received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Boston University's School of Communications.
Prior to joining Haverford , Mr. Andres was with Andres Capital Managemernt and prior to that he was with 1838 Investment Advisors.
Mr. Andres was President of Merrill Lynch Mortgage Capital Corporation with responsibility for all mortgage trading, investment banking and research.
Concurrently, he managed Merrill's secondary corporate bond trading division.
He began his investment career in the municipal bond Division of J.P.
Morgan and subsequently was named National Sales Manager for Municipal Securities at both Kidder Peabody and Merrill Lynch.
In 1989 he co-founded Martindale Andres and Company, Inc. an asset management organization that managed in excess $2 billion in equity and fixed assets.
He has been featured in Barron's and Institutional Investor and his comments have appeared in a broad array of financial publications.
Mr. Andres attended Columbia University.
Michael Dean Andres formerly worked at Logan's Roadhouse, Inc., as Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer from 2013 to 2014, Boston Market Corp., as President & Chief Executive Officer from 2000 to 2010, LRI Holdings, Inc., as Chairman, President & Chief Executive Officer from 2013 to 2014, Aryzta AG, as Independent Non-Executive Director from 2018 to 2020, McDonald's USA LLC, as President from 2014 to 2017, and McDonald's USA LLC, as Vice President & GM-Pacific Sierra Region in 2009.
Mr. Andres received his undergraduate degree from the University of Tennessee.
Mr. Damon J.
Andres, CFA, is Vice President & Senior Portfolio Manager at Delaware Investments Dividend & Income Fund, Inc. and Macquarie Investment Management Business Trust.
He joined Delaware Investments, in 1994 as an analyst, and is currently a senior portfolio manager for the firm’s real estate securities and income solutions group.
From 1991 to 1994, Mr. Andres performed investment-consulting services as a consulting associate with Cambridge Associates.
Mr. Andres earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration with an emphasis in finance and accounting from the University of Richmond.
Esteban Morrás Andrés is currently the Director at Veridas Digital Authentication Solutions SL since 2017.
He was previously the Director at Endesa SA in 2009, Director at Acciona SA, and Director at Inversiones Corporativas SA.
Andrés Osorio Hermansen worked as a Manager-Corporate Finance at Cencosud SA and as a Partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers (Chile).
He also served as the Chief Financial Officer at LATAM Airlines Group SA from 2013 to 2016.
He completed his undergraduate degree from Universidad Católica del Norte.
Andrés Estaire Álvarez is currently a Director at Inmobiliaria Catharsis SA, Enraf Nonius Ibérica SA, Enraf Nonius Ibérica Portugal Lda., Establecimientos Ortopédicos Prim SA, and Siditemedic, S.L.
Previously, he was the Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Prim SA from 2018 to 2020 and a Director at Anota SA.
Dr. Andrés Velasco Brañes is an Independent Director at Adecoagro SA and a Dean-New School of Public Policy at London School of Economics & Political Science.
He is on the Board of Directors at Adecoagro SA. Dr. Velasco Brañes was previously employed as a Minister-Finance by Government of Chile, a Professor-Development & International Finance by Harvard Kennedy School of Government, a Director-Latin America & Caribbean Studies Center by New York University, and an Assistant Professor by Columbia University.
He also served on the board at The Latin American & Caribbean Economic Association, Inc. and Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile.
He received his undergraduate degree from Yale University, a graduate degree from Yale University and a doctorate degree from The Trustees of Columbia University in The City of New York.
Andrés Rozental Gutman is the founder of Rozental & Asociados.
He currently holds several positions including Chairman at Latinoamericana Duty Free SA de CV, Chairman at ArcelorMittal México SA de CV, Director at The Centre for International Governance Innovation, and Independent Director at Grupo Financiero HSBC SA de CV.
In the past, he served as a Non-Executive Director at abrdn New India Investment Trust Plc, Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at Ocean Wilsons Holdings Ltd., Director at Deutsche Latin American Companies Trust Plc, and held several other positions.
He also served as Deputy Foreign Minister for the Government of Mexico from 1988 to 1994.
Mr. Rozental Gutman holds a graduate degree from the University of Pennsylvania and an undergraduate degree from Universidad de las Américas Puebla.
Andrés Echeverría Salas is currently the Chairman at Frontal Trust Administradora General de Fondos SA, Director at Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones SA, and Director at CMPC Papeles SA. He previously held positions as Director at Bicecorp SA and Inversiones Alsacia SA, General Manager at Banco BICE SA, Vice President at BICE Vida Cia.
de Seguros SA, and Founding Partner at EPG Partners SA (Private Equity).
He holds an MBA from the University of California, Los Angeles and an undergraduate degree from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Andrés Rochette García currently works as a Manager-Planning, Administration & Development at Banco BICE SA.
José Andrés Barreiro Hernández currently works at Fundación de Estudios Financieros, as Director, Madrid Nuevo Norte SA, as Director, and Strategic Value Partners (Private Equity), as Advisory Council.
Mr. Barreiro Hernández also formerly worked at BBVA Bolsa Sociedad de Valores SA, as Chairman, Sociedad de Gestión de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensación, as Chairman, Altura Markets Sociedad de Valores SA, as Chairman, Promotora para la Sociedad de Gestion de los Sistemas, as Chairman, China CITIC Bank Corp.
Ltd., as Non-Executive Director from 2009 to 2012, Corretaje e Informacion Monetaria y de Divisas SA, as Director, CITIC International Financial Holdings Ltd., as Director, Bolsas y Mercados Españoles Renta Fija SA, as Director, SENAF, as Director, Sociedad de Gestión de los Sistemas de Registro, Compensación, as Director, BME Clearing SA, as Director, Bolsas y Mercados Españoles, as Director from 2011 to 2012, China CITIC Bank International Ltd., as Non-Executive Director, Vermont Academy, as Director, Saeta Yield SA, as Independent Non-Executive Director, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA, as Head-Wholesale Banking & Asset Management in 2012, Argentaria Corporacion Bancaria De Espana, as Assistant Deputy General Manager, Bankers Trust Sociedad de Valores SA, as Head-Treasury & Capital Markets, and Banco Santander SA, as Head-Treasury Risk in 1998.
Mr. Barreiro Hernández received his undergraduate degree from Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Juan Andrés Fontaine Talavera is currently a Director at Libertad y Desarrollo, a Director at Administradora de Inversiones la Construcción SA, a Professor at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and a Partner at Fontaine y Paul Consultores Asociados SA. He was previously the Minister of Economy, Development & Tourism for the Government of Chile.
He has also held various director positions at Bolsa Electrónica de Chile Bolsa de Valores, Banco Santander Chile SA, Banco de Chile SA, Embotelladora Andina SA, Sigdo Koppers SA, Transelec SA, Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago Bolsa de Valores, and CCLV, Contraparte Central SA. Mr. Fontaine Talavera received an undergraduate degree from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and a graduate degree from The University of Chicago.
Andrés Claudio Fernández Romero currently works at Mediacion Bursatil Sociedad de Valores SA, as Director, Procesos Ecologicos Vilches SA, as Director, Cogeneración Villaricos SA, as Director, Abentel Telecomunicaciones SA, as Director-Finance & Administration, Iniciativas Hidroeléctricas de Aragón y Cataluña SL, as Director, Abeinsa Asset Management SL, as Director, and Abengoa Seapower SA, as Director-Finance & Administration.
Mr. Fernández Romero also formerly worked at Inmobiliaria del Sur SA, as Director and Instituto de Empresa SL.
Mr. Fernández Romero received his graduate degree from Instituto de Empresa SL.
Andrés Larraín Santa María is currently the Chairman at Fruticola Viconto SA since 2018.
He is also a Director at Inmobiliaria El Llano SpA.
Previously, he worked as an Agricultural Manager at Viña Concha y Toro SA from 2012 to 2017.
Mr. Jorge Andrés Meruane Boza is a Chief Executive Officer at SalfaCorp SA and a Chief Executive Officer at Ceramicas Industriales SA. He is on the Board of Directors at Aconcagua SA, Artec Inmobiliaria SA, Concremag SA, Constructora Fe Grande SA, Constructora Novacasas SA, Constructora Propuerto Ltda., Desarrollo Tecnologico Ingeniería SA, Empresa Constructora Tecsa Norte SA, Empresa Constructora Tecsa SA, Empresa de Mantenciones y Servicios Salfa SA, Empresa de Montajes Industriales Salfa SA, Empresa de Obras Civiles y de Arquitectura Salfa SA, Empresas Tecsa SA, Geovita SA, ICEM SA, Inmobiliaria Aconcagua Rentas SA, Inmobiliaria El Bosque SA, Maqsa Austral SA, Maquinarias y Equipos MAQSA SA, Novatec SA, Obras Industriales Salfa SA, Salfa Construccion SA, Salfa Gestión de Pagos SpA, Salfa Gestión Ingeniería SA, Salfa Gestión SA, Salfa Ingeniería y Construcción SA, Salfa Internacional Ltda., Salfa Peru SA, Salfa Rentas Inmobiliarias SA, Salfacorp Comercial SA, Servicio de Ingeniería Novaing Ltda., Tecsa Equipos y Servicios SA, Tecsa Internacional SA and Tecsa Inversiones Inmobiliarias SA. Mr. Meruane Boza was previously employed as a General Manager by Indalum SA. He also served on the board at Inmobiliaria El Peñón SA and Inmobiliaria Salfa Austral Ltda.
He received his graduate degree from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
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