Mike Hodnett

Mike Hodnett

Keine laufenden Positionen mehr

Process Industries


Mike Hodnett has expertise in startup companies and emerging markets.
He founded a company that developed and sold systems used in the bar code and prepress industries, then sold it to Fine Line Technologies where he launched a new division based on that technology.
He has opened European sales offices and negotiated European and Japanese partnerships for several companies.
Hodnett also has expertise in online marketing, and has provided web development, email marketing and internationalization - localization services to Fortune 500 companies including Hewlett-Packard, Agilent, Intel, and Sun.

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Mike Hodnett

Vertrieb & Marketing 20.08.2007
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Börsennotierte Unternehmen

Private Unternehmen

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Private Unternehmen1

Process Industries

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  3. Mike Hodnett