Christine Merk

Christine Merk

Ökonom bei Kiel Institute for the World Economy


Dr. Christine Merk is a Researcher at Kiel Institute for the World Economy.
She is the Deputy Director of the Research Center Global Commons and Climate Policy at the Kiel Institute.
Her main research interest is individuals' trade-offs between mitigation, carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and stratospheric aerosol injection.
She conducts field experiments and survey experiments to explore individuals' perceptions of and reactions to various climate engineering approaches and climate policy instruments.
She is currently involved in two research projects that look at lay perceptions of ocean-based carbon dioxide removal: She leads the work package on public perceptions of marine CDR in the H2020 consortium OceanNETs and contributes to SeaStore on seagrass restoration funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
She contributes the insights from these two projects to Working Group 41 on Ocean Interventions for Climate Change Mitigation of the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) and the interdisciplinary project ASsessment framework for MArine CO2 removal and SYnthesiS of current knowledge (ASMASYS).
She also explores PerCCSeptions of the cross-border transportation of CO2 for storage in Germany and Norway together with partners at the Norwegian Research Center (NORCE).
In the past, she was a member of the German Research Foundation's Priority Programme 1689 Climate Engineering, researching Trade-offs between Mitigation and Climate Engineering.

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Ökonom 01.03.2012
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