Jody Crook

Jody Crook

Keine laufenden Positionen mehr

Energy Minerals
Consumer Services


Jody Crook worked as a Principal at Enron Corp., Enron Global Markets LLC, Texaco Exploration & Production, Inc., and SWN Production Co. LLC.
He also worked as a Senior Vice President-Business Development at Jones Energy Ltd.
from 2012 to 2013.
Additionally, he worked as a Principal at Shovel, Inc. Mr. Crook holds an MBA from The University of Texas at Austin and undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Oklahoma.

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Jody Crook

Corporate Officer/Principal -
Corporate Officer/Principal -
Corporate Officer/Principal -
Corporate Officer/Principal -
Shovel, Inc. Corporate Officer/Principal -
Sehen Sie sich die Erfahrung von Jody Crook im Detail an

Ausbildung von Jody Crook

The University of Texas at Austin Masters Business Admin
University of Oklahoma Graduate Degree

Besetzte Positionen



Börsennotierte Unternehmen

Private Unternehmen

Sehen Sie sich die Erfahrung von Jody Crook im Detail an


Private Unternehmen6

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Energy Minerals

Shovel, Inc.

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  3. Jody Crook