geological                                                          along strike. Therefore, the sampling conducted by 
structure                                                           the drill-hole is considered unbiased. 
              If the relationship between the drilling orientation  * There are no known biases caused by the 
              and the orientation of key mineralised structures is  orientation of drill-holes MIDD008, SODD002 & 
              considered to have introduced a sampling bias, this   SODD003. 
              should be assessed and reported if material. 
Sample        The measures taken to ensure sample security.         * The drill core is stored onboard the Company's 
security                                                            charter vessel which is considered highly secure. 
Audits or     The results of any audits or reviews of sampling      * No audits or reviews have been carried out at 
reviews       techniques and data.                                  this time. Section 2: Reporting of Exploration Results 
Criteria       JORC Code explanation                     Commentary 
Mineral        Type, reference name/number, location and * The Ryberg Project is wholly within Mineral Exploration 
tenement and   ownership including agreements or         Licences 2017/06 and 2019/38, located on the east coast of 
land tenure    material issues with third parties such   Greenland. They are held 100% by Longland Resources Ltd, a 
status         as joint ventures, partnerships,          wholly owned subsidiary of Conico Ltd. 
               overriding royalties, native title 
               interests, historical sites, wilderness 
               or national park and environmental 
               The security of the tenure held at the    * The tenure is secure and in good standing at the time of 
               time of reporting along with any known    writing. There are no known impediments. 
               impediments to obtaining a licence to 
               operate in the area. 
Exploration    Acknowledgment and appraisal of           * Previous work mentioned (2017 VTEM survey) was planned and 
done by other  exploration by other parties.             managed by Longland Resources Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary 
parties                                                  of Conico Ltd. 
                                                         * Historic rock-chip sampling was conducted by Platina 
                                                         Resources Ltd and University of Leicester. 
Geology        Deposit type, geological setting and      * Deposit types: Magmatic & VMS. 
               style of mineralisation.                  * Geological setting: The project area is located within the 
                                                         North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP), a Tertiary volcanic 
                                                         centre that covered an area of approximately 1.3 million km^2 
                                                         in continental flood basalts (6.6 million km^3 in volume), 
                                                         making it one of the largest volcanic events in history. 
                                                         Volcanism is associated with the opening of the North 
                                                         Atlantic, and presence of a mantle plume (what is now the 
                                                         Icelandic hotspot). The project area represents an erosional 
                                                         interface where the flood basalts have been removed, revealing 
                                                         the basement geology beneath. The project area is adjacent to 
                                                         a triple junction (failed rift) and consists of Archaean 
                                                         orthogneiss, Tertiary gabbro/flood basalt, and 
                                                         Cretaceous-Tertiary sediments (rift valley basin). 
                                                         Approximately 70% of the geology within the sedimentary basin 
                                                         has been intruded by Tertiary sills that are feeders to the 
                                                         overlying plateau basalts. There are also feeder dykes and 
                                                         layered mafic intrusions - it is likely that there is also a 
                                                         large ultramafic body present at depth, evidence for this is 
                                                         in the form of ultramafic xenoliths brought to surface by 
                                                         magma conduits. 
                                                         * Style of mineralisation: magmatic copper and nickel 
                                                         sulphides with appreciable cobalt, palladium and gold. 
Drill hole     A summary of all information material to  * Refer to Annex 1. 
Information    the understanding of the exploration 
               results including a tabulation of the 
               following information for all Material 
               drill holes: 
               - easting and northing of the drill hole 
               - elevation or RL (Reduced Level - 
               elevation above sea level in metres) of 
               the drill hole collar 
               - dip and azimuth of the hole 
               - down hole length and interception depth 
               - hole length. 
               If the exclusion of this information is   * This is not the case. 
               justified on the basis that the 
               information is not Material and this 
               exclusion does not detract from the 
               understanding of the report, the 
               Competent Person should clearly explain 
               why this is the case. 
Data           In reporting Exploration Results,         * Not applicable as no sampling or assaying has occurred. 
aggregation    weighting averaging techniques, maximum 
methods        and/or minimum grade truncations (e.g., 
               cutting of high grades) and cut-off 
               grades are usually Material and should be 
               Where aggregate intercepts incorporate 
               short lengths of high-grade results and 
               longer lengths of low-grade results, the 
               procedure used for such aggregation 
               should be stated and some typical 
               examples of such aggregations should be 
               shown in detail. 
               The assumptions used for any reporting of * Not applicable as no sampling or assaying has occurred. 
               metal equivalent values should be clearly 
Relationship   - These relationships are particularly    * The geometry of the mineralisation with respect to the 
between        important in the reporting of Exploration drill-hole angle is not known. All reported lengths are in 
mineralisation Results.                                  reference to down-hole length, true width not known. 
widths and     - If the geometry of the mineralisation 
intercept      with respect to the drill hole angle is 
lengths        known, its nature should be reported. 
               - If it is not known and only the down 
               hole lengths are reported, there should 
               be a clear statement to this effect 
               (e.g., 'down hole length, true width not 
Diagrams       Appropriate maps and sections (with       * Refer to Figures 1,4, 5, 6, 7 and 10. 
               scales) and tabulations of intercepts 
               should be included for any significant 
               discovery being reported These should 
               include, but not be limited to a plan 
               view of drill hole collar locations and 
               appropriate sectional views. 
Balanced       Where comprehensive reporting of all      * Not applicable as no sampling or assaying has occurred. 
reporting      Exploration Results is not practicable, 
               representative reporting of both low and 
               high grades and/or widths should be 
               practiced to avoid misleading reporting 
               of Exploration Results. 
Other          Other exploration data, if meaningful and * Previous exploration results are detailed in: 
substantive    material, should be reported including    Conico Ltd press release on the 11^th of December 2020, 
exploration    (but not limited to): geological          entitled 'EM Survey Reveals Highly Prospective Chonolith at 
data           observations; geophysical survey results; Ryberg'. 
               geochemical survey results; bulk samples  Conico Ltd press release on the 29^th of July 2020, entitled ' 
               - size and method of treatment;           Conico to acquire East Greenland projects via acquisition of 
               metallurgical test results; bulk density, Longland Resources'. 
               groundwater, geotechnical and rock        Holwell et al, Mineralium Deposita, 2012, 47:3-21. 
               characteristics; potential deleterious or 
               contaminating substances. 
Further work   The nature and scale of planned further   * Diamond drilling testing for lateral extensions of 
               work (e.g., tests for lateral extensions  mineralisation, and large-scale step-out drilling. 
               or depth extensions or large-scale 
               step-out drilling). 
               Diagrams clearly highlighting the areas   * Refer to Figures 1, 5 & 10. 
               of possible extensions, including the 
               main geological interpretations and 
               future drilling areas, provided this 

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