Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown

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Daniel Brown joined 3i in July 2006 on secondment from HM Treasury.
Based in London, as an Associate in the Infrastructure business he is responsible for exploring investment opportunities across the social infrastructure, transportion and utilities sectors in the UK, continental Europe and the US.
At the Treasury Daniel Brown was an Economic Adviser with responsibility for government policy on business financing, growth and the burden of government regulation on business.
He coordinated business-focused policy for the UK Budget, including advising ministers on the taxation of business profits, investment returns and equity-based remuneration.
He was responsible for government policy towards private equity, and introduced the Enterprise Capital Fund model of venture co-investment for small businesses.
He also developed the Chancellor's strategy for City of London competitiveness in the 2006 Budget.
Mr Brown has an BSc hons.
in Economics from the University of Bath.

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Private Equity Investor -
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