Raymond H. Edelman

Raymond H. Edelman

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Consumer Services


Prior to joining GrandBanks, Mr. Edelman spent 12 years at State Street Bank & Trust Company and most recently was a Senior Vice President.
At State Street, he was Chief Administrative Officer and then Chief Operating Officer for the Alternative Investments Servicing group which serviced $500 billion in hedge fund and private equity assets.
Mr. Edelman was the business lead on State Street’s acquisitions of PFA, a private equity administrator, Deutsche Bank’s custody and fund accounting business, and the Bank of Scotland’s trustee business.
He also spent three years in London managing State Street’s United Kingdom custody and fund accounting operations.
Before joining State Street, he was Director of Fund Administration for Chase Manhattan Bank.
At Chase, his responsibilities included compliance, financial reporting, and tax for U.S.
mutual funds.
Mr. Edelman also worked in public accounting at Ernst & Young where he focused on taxation of international financial services and at Price Waterhouse where he concentrated on taxation of regulated investment companies.
Mr. Edelman graduated from Syracuse University with his BS in 1980.
He also recevied his JD from the University of Richmond, T.C.
Williams School of Law in 1984 and his MBA from the University of Richmond in 1985.
He also graduated from the Boston University School of Law, LL.M.
(Tax) in 1988.
Mr. Edelman's interests include hunting, boating and gardening.
He is married and has three children.

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Raymond H. Edelman

Corporate Officer/Principal 31.12.2010
Corporate Officer/Principal -
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Ausbildung von Raymond H. Edelman

Syracuse University Undergraduate Degree
University of Richmond Masters Business Admin
Boston University Graduate Degree
University of Richmond School of Law Graduate Degree

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