Tom J. Landa

Tom J. Landa

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Consumer Services
Non-Energy Minerals


Tom J.
joined Gerdau Ameristeel as vice president and chief financial officer in April 1995.
He was appointed to the company's board of directors in 1997 and currently serves as its secretary.
Prior to joining Gerdau Ameristeel, Mr. Landa spent 20 years with Exxon Corporation and its affiliates worldwide.
He previously served as assistant treasurer of Exxon Company USA in Houston, Texas; finance and planning manager of Exxon Coal and Mining in Houston; and treasurer of Esso Italy in Rome, Italy.
Mr. Landa holds a Masters of International Management degree from the American Graduate School of International Business (Thunderbird) in Glendale, Ariz., and a Bachelor of Science in business management from Northern Arizona University.

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Tom J. Landa

Finanzdirektor/CFO 31.07.2007
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Ausbildung von Tom J. Landa

Northern Arizona University Undergraduate Degree
American Graduate School of Management Graduate Degree

Besetzte Positionen



Börsennotierte Unternehmen

Private Unternehmen

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Private Unternehmen1

Non-Energy Minerals

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  3. Tom J. Landa