IRW-PRESS: Rock Tech Lithium Inc.: Rock Tech Lithium startet Genehmigungsverfahren für
Europas ersten Lithiumhydroxid-Konverter

Erste Teilgenehmigung eingereicht

Guben, 22.02.2022 - Rock Tech Lithium hat die Unterlagen für die erste Teilgenehmigung
für den Bau seines Lithiumhydroxid-Konverter in Guben/Brandenburg eingereicht. Dies geschieht
gemäß des Bundes-Immissionsschutzgesetzes (BImSchG), wobei das Genehmigungsverfahren in
Teilgenehmigungsschritten erfolgt. Dies ermöglicht eine sorgfältige Planung und sichert
zugleich einen zügigen Projektfortschritt.

In enger Abstimmung mit der verfahrensführenden Behörde, dem Landesamt für Umwelt,
sind die folgenden Schritte geplant:

Der erste Teilantrag konzentriert sich auf die Genehmigung von Gebäuden, Straßen und
der Basisinfrastruktur. Zugleich wird die grundsätzliche Genehmigungsfähigkeit des
Projektes sowie die Umweltverträglichkeit geprüft. Der im Mai folgende zweite Teilantrag
betrifft die eigentlichen Produktionsanlagen. In einem weiteren Teilantrag im Juli werden
abschließend Versorgungsanlagen und Nebengebäude beantragt.

Zum Start des Genehmigungsverfahrens sagte Markus Brügmann, Chief Executive Officer bei Rock
Tech Lithium: Der erste Teilantrag stellt für uns einen wichtigen Schritt von der Planung zur
Umsetzung unseres Lithiumhydroxid-Konverters in Guben dar. Wir freuen uns weiter auf die gute und
konstruktive Zusammenarbeit mit dem Landesamt für Umwelt und mit der Stadt Guben.

Rock Tech Lithium plant, im April/Mai in Guben einen Informationstag zu veranstalten, um die
Bevölkerung vor Ort möglichst frühzeitig in das Projekt mit einzubinden. Die
Produktionsanlage für batteriefähiges Lithiumhydroxid (Konverter) soll nach ihrer
Realisierung jährlich 24.000 Tonnen Lithiumhydroxid für die Batterien von 500.000
Elektroautos produzieren. Das Projekt von Rock Tech befindet sich derzeit in einem fortgeschrittenen
Planungsstadium. Das Investitionsvolumen veranschlagt das Unternehmen auf circa 470 Millionen

Über Rock Tech Lithium

Rock Tech Lithium ist ein in Deutschland und Kanada tätiges Clean-Tech-Unternehmen, das die
Automobilindustrie mit hochqualitativem Lithiumhydroxid made in Germany beliefern wird. Bereits 2024
wird das Unternehmen Europas ersten Lithiumkonverter mit einer Produktionskapazität von 24.000
Tonnen pro Jahr in Betrieb nehmen. Eine Menge die ausreicht, um rund 500.000 Elektroautos mit
Lithium-Ionen-Batterien auszustatten.

Das Clean-Tech-Unternehmen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, den weltweit ersten geschlossenen Kreislauf
für Lithium zu schaffen und so die Rohstofflücke auf dem Weg zu sauberer Mobilität zu
schließen. Rock Tech besitzt das Lithiumprojekt Georgia Lake in Ontario, Kanada. Bereits 2030
sollen rund 50 Prozent der eingesetzten Rohstoffe aus dem Recycling von Altbatterien stammen.
Rock Tech Lithium ist an den Börsen in Toronto und Frankfurt notiert. Geführt wird das
Unternehmen von Dirk Harbecke, Chairman, sowie Markus Brügmann, Chief Executive Officer, Stefan
Krause, Chief Financial Officer, Don Stevens, Chief Technology Officer, und Esther Bahne als Chief
Strategy and Marketing Officer.

Kontakt Rock Tech Lithium
Wolfgang Böhm
Rock Tech Lithium Inc.
Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit 
Telephone: +49 30 44 33 61 - 33

Cautionary Note Concerning Forward-Looking Information

The following cautionary statements are in addition to all other cautionary statements and
disclaimers contained elsewhere in, or referenced by, this news release. Certain information set
forth in this news release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable
Canadian securities laws. All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this
news release, including those regarding Rock Techs opinions, beliefs and expectations, business
strategy, development and exploration opportunities and projects, mineral resource estimates,
drilling and modeling plans, and plans and objectives of management for operations and properties
constitute forward-looking information. Generally, forward-looking information can be identified by
the use of words or phrases such as estimate, project, "anticipate", "expect", "intend, "believe",
"hope", "may" and similar expressions, as well as "will", "shall" and all other indications of
future tense. All forward-looking information set forth in this news release are expressly qualified
in their entirety by the cautionary statements referred to in this section. Forward-looking
information is based on certain estimates, expectations, analysis and opinions that are believed by
management of Rock Tech to be reasonable at the time they were made or in certain cases, on third
party expert opinions. It should be noted that, in order to achieve its objectives, Rock Tech will
be required to raise additional funding and the availability of financing on satisfactory terms is
not guaranteed. This forward-looking information was derived utilizing numerous assumptions
regarding, among other things, the supply and demand for, deliveries of, and the level and
volatility of prices of, intermediate and final lithium products, expected growth, performance and
business operation, prospects and opportunities, general business and economic conditions, results
of development and exploration, Rock Techs ability to procure supplies and other equipment necessary
for its business, including development and exploration activities. The foregoing list is not
exhaustive of all assumptions which may have been used in developing the forward-looking
information. While Rock Tech considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on information
currently available, they may prove to be incorrect.

Forward-looking information should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results.
In addition, forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties and
other factors, many of which are beyond Rock Techs control, that may cause Rock Techs actual events,
results, performance and/or achievements to be materially different from that which is expressed or
implied by such forward-looking information. Risks and uncertainties that may cause actual events,
results, performance and/or achievements to vary materially include the risk that Rock Tech will not
be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due, changes in commodity prices, Rock Techs
ability to retain and attract skilled staff and to secure feedstock from third party suppliers,
unanticipated events and other difficulties related to construction, development and operation of
converters and mines, the cost of compliance with current and future environmental and other laws
and regulations, title defects, competition from existing and new competitors, changes in currency
exchange rates and market prices of Rock Techs securities, Rock Techs history of losses, impacts of
climate change and other risks and uncertainties discussed under the heading "Financial Instruments
and Other Risks" in Rock Techs most recently filed Management Discussion and Analysis, a copy of
which is filed electronically through SEDAR and is available online at Such risks and
uncertainties do not represent an exhaustive list of all risk factors that could cause actual
events, results, performance and/or achievements to vary materially from the forwardlooking
information. We cannot assure you that actual events, results, performance and/or achievements will
be consistent with the forward-looking information and managements assumptions may prove to be

Our forward-looking information reflects Rock Tech managements views as at the date the
information is created. Except as may be required by law, Rock Tech undertakes no obligation and
expressly disclaims any responsibility, obligation or undertaking to update or to revise any
forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, to
reflect any change in Rock Techs expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances
on which any such information is based. The forward-looking information contained herein is
presented for the purposes of assisting readers in understanding Rock Techs plans, objectives and
goals and is not appropriate for any other purposes. Given these uncertainties, readers are
cautioned not to rely on the forward-looking information set forth in this news release.

Rock Tech Lithium Inc.
600-777 Hornby Street | Vancouver | British Columbia | Canada | V6Z 1S4 P. +1.778.358.5200 | F.
+1.604.670.0033 | 

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