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Verzögert 07:58:01 17.07.2024 % 5 Tage % 1. Jan.
0.009232 GBX +0.04% Intraday Chart für Indian Rupee / British Pound (INR/GBP) -1.08% -2.13%
La livre et l'euro écrasent le dollar après les décisions des banques centrales
Fed stands alone as ECB, BoE insist 'higher for longer' still needed
Wall Street en hausse après les banques centrales
Major central banks hold rates steady as markets eye rapid cuts
Andrew Bailey, BoE: Inflation down from 11% to just over 4.5
Instant View: ECB leaves rates at 4%, flags early end to bond buys
Nothing's gonna stop stocks now
Bank of England Pushes Back on Calls for Early 2024 Rate Cuts, Says ING
Bank of England voorzichtiger dan Fed
La BNS marque à nouveau une pause dans un contexte d'incertitudes
Borsa: Europa positiva, effetto banche centrali, Zurigo +0,6%
La libra esterlina sube tras mantener el BoE los tipos con tres votos a favor de una subida -- Market Talk
Banca d'Inghilterra, tassi rimarranno alti per un "periodo prolungato"
Bank of England Keeps Monetary Policy Unchanged, Pushes Back Against Rate Cut Bets
Bailey, del BoE, dice que es demasiado pronto para hablar de bajadas de tipos
Supercharged markets surge on rate cut signals
US Dollar Plunges Early Thursday After FOMC Shifts Toward Cuts, Busy Data Day Ahead
Bank of England laat rente opnieuw ongemoeid
La livre prend de l'élan face au dollar après la Banque d'Angleterre
BoE's Bailey says it's too early to talk about rate cuts
Les marchés saluent les décisions de banques centrales, la BCE dans le viseur
Bank of England segue la Fed e la BNS, lascia tassi invariati
UK's FTSE 100 pares gains as Bank of England says rates to remain elevated
Kiwetinohk Energy Outlines 2024 Budget
Fed Pivot Comes Into View; BOE Mirrors Fed in -2-
Fed Pivot Comes Into View; BOE Mirrors Fed in Holding Rates Steady; ECB Is Expected to Follow Suit
La Banque d'Angleterre maintient son principal taux directeur à 5,25%
Statu quo de la Banque d'Angleterre face à une inflation persistante
Instant view: BoE keeps interest rates at 15-year high, says rates to stay high
Sterling strengthens after BoE says rates to stay high, gilts pare gains
Stocks up as BoE follows in footsteps of Fed
BoE leaves rates on hold again amid fight against inflation
Uk : Bank of England lascia tasso di riferimento al 5,25% come atteso (RCO)
BoE : minute dicembre, 0 voti per abbassare tassi
BoE : minute dicembre, 3 voti per alzare tassi
BoE : minute dicembre, 6 voti per lasciare tassi invariati
BoE : minute dicembre, Comitato ha votato 6-3 per lasciare tassi invariati a 5,25%
BoE : lascia bank rate invariato al 5,25%
Bank of England says rates to stay high for 'extended period'
Mitsubishi UFG Asks If The ECB, Bank of England Will Follow Thursday The Federal Reserve in Providing Dovish Policy Updates
Point marchés-La Fed stimule les Bourses avant la BCE et la BoE
La livre progresse face au dollar avant la Banque d'Angleterre
ING Comments on The Euro, Sterling