
Foto Alessandra Pasini
Alessandra Pasini

Alessandra Pasini ist Chief Financial Officer bei SNAM SpA. Frau Pasini war zuvor Leiterin der Abteilung Finanzcontrolling bei Kraft Jacobs Suchard SpA, Vorsitzende von Snam Rete Gas SpA, stellvertretende Leiterin des Investment Banking bei Barclays Family SpA und Stabschefin bei Citibank NA (Filiale Mailand). Frau Pasini erwarb einen Bachelor-Abschluss an der Universität Bocconi.

Foto Daniel Attilio Pasini
Daniel Attilio Pasini

Mr. Daniel A.
Pasini, CFA, is Partner at ACPI Investments Ltd.
He has been the Chief Investment Officer of the equity team and he has been responsible for a number of private equity investments made on behalf of ACPI’s partners and clients.
He also has a number of management responsibilities in the Wealth Management unit.
He started his career working for Gruppo Mediolanum, then joined Goldman Sachs Investment Management Division in London managing private client portfolios.
In 2001 he left Goldman Sachs to join the founding team at ACP Partners (subsequently ACPI).
Mr. Pasini received a Master’s Degree in Economics from Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Milan) and a B.A.
in Economics from Northwestern University (Chicago).

Foto Giuseppe Pasini
Giuseppe Pasini

Giuseppe Pasini is the founder of Gironi Francesco & C SpA.
He currently holds the position of Chairman at Feralpi Holding SpA since 2007 and Chairman at Feralpi Siderurgica SpA since 2008.
He is also the Vice Chairman at Federcostruzioni.
Additionally, he serves as the Co-Managing Director at ESF Elbe Stahlwerke Feralpi GmbH, Director at Made in Steel SRL, Director at Fondazione della Comunita Bresciana Onlus since 2009, and Member-General Council at Associazione Industriale Bresciana since 1998.
Mr. Pasini's former positions include being a Director at Mittel SpA, a Member-National Council at Confindustria, President of Federacciai from 2001 to 2012, and President of Confindustria Metalli from 1999 to 2012.

Foto Cesare Pasini
Cesare Pasini

Cesare Pasini has a current job as Vice Chairman at Feralpi Holding SpA.

Foto Ralph Pasini
Ralph Pasini

Mr. Ralph Pasini is Vice President-Military Applications at Clear Align LLC and a Consultant at North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
Mr. Pasini was previously employed as Operations Officer by United States Air Force.

Foto Alexandre Pasini
Alexandre Pasini

Alexandre Pasini currently works at Celonic AG, as Chief Operating Officer from 2021.
Mr. Pasini also formerly worked at Lonza Group AG, as Director-Investor Relations.
Mr. Pasini received his graduate degree from the University of Geneva.

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