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Bombay S.E.

22 502 57.85 INR Aktie Sri Ramakrishna Mills (Coimbatore) Limited Aktie

Unternehmen (1)

Logo Sri Ramakrishna Mills (Coimbatore) Limited

Sri Ramakrishna Mills (Coimbatore) Limited ist ein in Indien ansässiges Unternehmen, das in den Bereichen Textilspinnerei und Immobilienentwicklung tätig ist. Das Unternehmen bietet eine Reihe von Baumwoll- und Mischgarnen an. Das Unternehmen bietet Open- ...


Foto Ramakrishna Gupta Vetsa
Ramakrishna Gupta Vetsa

Vesta Ramakrishna Gupta ist Finanzvorstand bei Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd.

Foto Prithvi Pavan Kumar Vetsa
Prithvi Pavan Kumar Vetsa

Prithvi Vetsa is currently working as a Research Analyst at Merrill Lynch International since 2022.
Prior to this, he worked as an Associate at JPMorgan India Pvt Ltd.
from 2019 to 2021.
Mr. Vetsa is a graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.

Foto Ramakrishna Anumolu
Ramakrishna Anumolu

Ramakrishna Anumolu served as Deputy Managing Director at Larsen & Toubro Ltd.
from 1992 to 2004.
He also held various independent non-executive director positions at The Andhra Petrochemicals Ltd., KCP Ltd., The Andhra Sugars Ltd., The Ramco Cements Ltd., TAJGVK Hotels & Resorts Ltd., GVK Power & Infrastructure Ltd., and Brigade Enterprises Ltd.
Additionally, he served as Vice Chairman at National Academy of Construction and President at The Indian National Academy of Engineering.
Anumolu received his undergraduate degree from Andhra University, graduate degree from Anna University, and doctorate from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University.

Foto C. Ramakrishna
C. Ramakrishna

is currently the Vice President of Research and Development at Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd.
Prior to this, he held positions as Principal at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Trop and Vice President of Research and Development at JK Agri Genetics Ltd.

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  3. Ramakrishna Gupta Vetsa