Luigi Fallanca

Luigi Fallanca

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Mr. Luigi Fallanca is a Co-Head of Fixed Income at Eurizon Capital SA. In 2001, he moved into asset management, becoming the head of Eurizon Capital S.A.'s Luxembourg liquidity funds.
From May 2004 until April 2011 he held the position of Responsible Money Markets.
Starting in May 2011 he is Co-Head of Fixed Income Desk.
He joined the Intesa Sanpaolo Group in 1979, working initially in the securities areas and later at the foreign-exchange desk of the head office.
He was then named head of the foreign-exchange desk at the group's Amsterdam branch and held various positions abroad as head of treasury operations in Frankfurt, London, and Luxembourg.
Mr. Fallanca graduated in 1977 from the University of Messina with a degree in banking and insurance sciences.

Ehemalige bekannte Positionen von Luigi Fallanca

Head-Fixed Income Invts -
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