IRW-PRESS: Rock Tech Lithium Inc.: Erster Lithium-Konverter in Guben: Behörde genehmigt
vorzeitigen Beginn für Rock Tech

Guben, 12. Januar 2023 - Rock Tech Lithium Inc. (TSX-V: RCK; OTCQX: RCKTF; FWB: RJIB; WKN:
A1XF0V) (das Unternehmen oder Rock Tech) erhält die Zulassung zum vorzeitigen Beginn für
den Bau seines Lithium-Konverters im brandenburgischen Guben (Guben Konverter). In den nächsten
Wochen werden die ersten größeren Arbeiten vor Ort für dieses strategische
Rohstoffprojekt erwartet.

Rund 24.000 Tonnen batteriefähiges Lithiumhydroxid sollen ab 2025 in Brandenburg produziert
werden. Das zuständige Landesamt für Umwelt hat Rock Tech dafür in einem ersten
Schritt die Zulassung zum vorzeitigen Beginn in Bezug auf die erste Tranche der Genehmigung erteilt.
Rock Tech plant in den kommenden Wochenmit ersten Arbeiten für das rund 683 Millionen US-Dollar
Kapitalkosten, dargelegt in der Veröffentlichung von Rock Tech in der Bankable Project Study
zum Guben Konverter vom 04. November 2022
 teure Projekt auf dem eigenen Grundstück im Industriegebiet in Guben.

Im Februar 2022 hatte Rock Tech die erste Teilgenehmigung und die Zulassung zum vorzeitigen
Beginn beantragt. In dem Antragsverfahren mit Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung gab es keine
genehmigungsrechtlichen Einwände. Das bewertet Rock Tech als positives Zeichen für die
Unterstützung des Konverterbaus und lobt zugleich die zügige und transparente
Zusammenarbeit mit den Behörden.

Unser Konverter wird der ersten seiner Art in Europa sein. Die Produktion von unserem
batteriefähigem Lithiumhydroxid wird ein wesentlicher Teil der Rohstofflieferketten für
Batteriemetalle in Europa sein - auch deshalb ist der positive Bescheid der Behörde ein
wichtiger Schritt dahin und sendet ein wichtiges Signal in den Markt, ergänzt Klaus Schmitz,
Chief Operating Officer von Rock Tech.

Die Zulassung zum vorzeitigen Beginn ist auch ein erfreulicher Indikator für die zu
erwartende Baugenehmigung für den Guben Konverter. Im November hatte Rock Tech dafür den
zweiten und finalen Genehmigungsantrag bei der Behörde eingereicht. Mit einer positiven
Entscheidung wird ab Sommer 2023 gerechnet.

Bisher wurden mehr als 250.000 Arbeitsstunden und über 37 Millionen US-Dollar für die
Jahre 2021 und 2022, mit für Q4/2022 prognostizierten Ergebnissen und vorbehaltlich einer
abschließenden Rechnungslegung und Auditierung; mehr Details sind auch den
regelmäßig veröffentlichten MD&A zu entnehmen
 durch Rock Tech in die Prozess- und Konstruktionsplanungen des Konverters investiert. Mit dem
vorzeitigen Beginn können die notwendigen Bodenarbeiten sowie der Bau von Straßen,
Büro- und Lagergebäuden begonnen werden.

Rock Tech ist ein Cleantech-Unternehmen, das es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, Lithiumhydroxid
für Elektroauto-Batterien herzustellen. Das Unternehmen plant, Lithiumkonverter direkt dort zu
bauen, wo es seine Kunden benötigen, um Transparenz in der Lieferkette und eine
Just-in-Time-Lieferung zu gewährleisten. Um die drängendste Lücke hin zu einer
sauberen Mobilität zu schließen, hat Rock Tech eines der stärksten Teams der Branche
zusammengestellt. Das Unternehmen hat sich strenge ESG-Standards auferlegt und entwickelt einen
eigenen Aufbereitungsprozess, der effizienter und nachhaltiger sein soll. Rock Tech plant, das
nötige Rohmaterial aus seinem eigenen Mineralienprojekt in Kanada zu beziehen, aber auch von
anderen verantwortungsvoll produzierenden Minen. In den kommenden Jahren wird das Unternehmen
voraussichtlich auch Material aus dem Batterierecycling beziehen. Das Ziel von Rock Tech ist es,
einen Kreislauf für Lithium zu schaffen.


André Mandel, Telefon: +49 (0) 151 2825 4014; oder E-Mail:,

Rock Tech Lithium Inc.; 777 Hornby Street, Suite 600, Vancouver, B.C., V6Z 1S4;

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in
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The following cautionary statements are in addition to all other cautionary statements and
disclaimers contained elsewhere in, or referenced by, this press release. 

Certain information set forth in this press release constitutes "forward-looking information"
(collectively, "forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities
laws, which information is based on Rock Tech's current expectations, estimates, and assumptions in
light of its experience and perception of historical trends. All statements other than statements of
historical facts may constitute forward-looking information. Often, forward-looking information can
be identified by the use of words or phrases such as "estimate", "project", "anticipate", "expect",
"intend", "believe", "hope", "may" and similar expressions, as well as "will", "shall" and all other
indications of future tense. All forward-looking information set forth in this press release is
expressly qualified in its entirety by the cautionary statements referred to in this section. 

In particular, this press release contains forward-looking information pertaining to:
expectations concerning the Guben Converter, including the design and features of the Guben
Converter, as well as the expected costs, capital expenditures, timing and outcomes thereof;
statements regarding the Company's future plans, estimates, and schedules relating to the Guben
Converter, including the anticipated timing of future activities taken in support of the development
thereof; Rock Tech's expectations regarding the FEL3 study including the related activities,
findings and uses thereof; potential financing arrangements; the expected economic performance of
the Guben Converter and anticipated production of battery-grade lithium hydroxide and related
processing methods employed; the estimated capital and operating costs of the Guben Converter; the
anticipated timing and outcomes of a final investment decision, construction activities and
commissioning of the Guben Converter; statements regarding the Company's sustainability and ESG
related goals and strategy, including the benefits and achievement thereof and future actions taken
by the Company in relation thereto; expected regulatory processes and final outcomes, including in
relation to the timing of TG-1 and TG-2 approvals; expectations regarding the electric vehicle
industry, including the demand for and pricing of battery-grade lithium hydroxide and the benefits
therefrom, and the development of political and regulatory frameworks especially in Germany and the
European Union; Rock Tech's opinions, beliefs and expectations regarding the Company's business
strategy, development and exploration opportunities and projects; and plans and objectives of
management for the Company's operations and properties. 

Forward-looking information is based on certain estimates, expectations, analysis and opinions
that are believed by management of Rock Tech to be reasonable at the time they were made or in
certain cases, on third party expert opinions. It should be noted that, in order to proceed with the
planned investment of 650 million euros contained herein, Rock Tech will be required to raise
additional funding and the availability of financing on satisfactory terms is not guaranteed. This
forward-looking information was derived utilizing numerous assumptions regarding, among other
things, the supply and demand for, deliveries of, and the level and volatility of prices of,
intermediate and final lithium products, expected growth, performance and business operation,
prospects and opportunities, general business and economic conditions, results of development and
exploration, Rock Techs ability to procure supplies and other equipment necessary for its business,
including development and exploration activities, and timing related to government approvals. The
foregoing list is not exhaustive of all assumptions which may have been used in developing the
forward-looking information. While Rock Tech considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on
information currently available, they may prove to be incorrect. Forward-looking information should
not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results.

In addition, forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks and uncertainties and
other factors, many of which are beyond Rock Techs control, that may cause Rock Techs actual events,
results, performance and/or achievements to be materially different from that which is expressed or
implied by such forward-looking information. Risks and uncertainties that may cause actual events,
results, performance and/or achievements to vary materially include the risk that Rock Tech will not
be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due, delays in government approval for the
construction of the Guben Converter, changes in commodity prices, Rock Techs ability to retain and
attract skilled staff and to secure feedstock from third party suppliers, unanticipated events and
other difficulties related to construction, development and operation of converters and mines, the
cost of compliance with current and future environmental and other laws and regulations, title
defects, competition from existing and new competitors, changes in currency exchange rates and
market prices of Rock Techs securities, Rock Techs history of losses, impacts of climate change and
other risks and uncertainties discussed under the heading "Financial Instruments and Other Risks" in
Rock Techs most recently filed Management Discussion and Analysis, a copy of which is filed
electronically through SEDAR and is available online at Such risks and uncertainties
do not represent an exhaustive list of all risk factors that could cause actual events, results,
performance and/or achievements to vary materially from the forward-looking information.

It can not be guaranteed that actual events, results, performance and/or achievements will be
consistent with the forward-looking information and managements assumptions may prove to be
incorrect. This forward-looking information reflects Rock Tech managements current views as at the
date of this press release. Except as may be required by law, Rock Tech undertakes no obligation and
expressly disclaims any responsibility, obligation or undertaking to update or to revise any
forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, to
reflect any change in Rock Techs expectations or any change in events, conditions or circumstances
on which any such information is based.

The forward-looking information contained herein is presented for the purposes of assisting
readers in understanding Rock Techs plans, objectives and goals and is not appropriate for any other

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