Andere Sprachen JPY / CHF



Verzögert 12:13:14 18.07.2024 % 5 Tage % 1. Jan.
0.5652 CHF -0.19% Intraday Chart für Japanese Yen / Swiss Franc (JPY/CHF) -0.05% -5.15%
DIARY-Top Economic Events to May 29
Le franc au plus bas depuis neuf mois face à l'euro
Devises : séance calme mais le Franc suisse glisse encore
FTSE 100 closes higher on busy corporate day
UBS Comments on The Euro, US Dollar, Swiss Franc
Inflazione in Svizzera: panorama previsioni 2024-2025
Crescita economica in Svizzera: panorama previsioni 2024-2025
US Dollar Little Changed Amid Efforts by China, Japan to Prop Currencies
US Dollar Falls Early Tuesday Ahead of Busy Data Release Schedule
Le yen se stabilise après des commentaires de son gouvernement, le dollar peine
SocGen's Tuesday Outlook for Currencies, Bonds, Macroeconomics, Policy Events
FTSE 100 flat amid China-West tension
Japan's Yen Rises as Officials Warn on Steps to Curtail Slide
Forex, yen si stabilizza dopo commenti ministro Finanze, dollaro in calo
Foreign Exchange Stability Encouraged by Expectations for Synchronized Central Bank Easing, Says Mitsubishi UFG
Stocks continue slow-down amid global tensions
Les Bourses mondiales en ordre dispersé, attendant plusieurs indicateurs
Euro zone bond yields dip, with inflation in focus
Tokyo est restée atone, Hong Kong en rebond
EN DIRECTO DESDE LOS MERCADOS: BBVA, Banco Santander, Telefónica, Atos, Repsol, Quadient, Dell, Boeing, CATL...
China accused of "cyberespionage" programme
Australia dollar draws support from yuan, NZ$ in trouble
Tokyo en mini-hausse après le repli de Wall Street, peur sur le yen
DIARY-Top Economic Events to May 29
Devises : $ en en léger repli, le Franc suisse glisse encore
Materials Flat on Global Central Bank Concerns -- Materials Roundup
Le dollar cède du terrain, le bitcoin se reprend
Rendimientos bonos Tesoro EEUU suben tras subasta de deuda a dos años
TREASURIES-US yields rise, warms to three rate cuts in 2024
Bolsas europeas ganan terreno al comienzo de una semana corta por Semana Santa
Swiss Equities in the Red as Inflation Takes Spotlight
Renewed global tensions put pressure on stocks
UBS Comments on USD Dollar, Japan's Yen
Mitsubishi UFG Comments on European Currencies
US Dollar Slumps as Asia's Foreign Exchange Sector Rebounds With Japan, China Indications of Support
Currencies: The Swiss franc takes a beating
A few lessons to learn
SocGen's Monday Outlook for Currencies, Bonds, Macroeconomics, Policy Events
Stocks make tepid start to new week
Valute: battuta d'arresto per il franco svizzero
Interest rates: Closing the gap!
Mitsubishi UFG Comments on China's Renminbi, Japan's Yen
Divisas: El franco suizo sufre un varapalo
Commerzbank on Overnight News
ING Comments on The Euro, Sterling, Sweden's Krona